James Baggaley


Jake Grimley

Chair / Co-Founder

James Demetriadi

Director of Finance & Business Operations

Michaela Drapes

Director of Strategy & Consulting

Karan Mahay

Director of Client Operations & Production

Andrew Shuttleworth

Director of Growth & Marketing

Stef Grindley

Head of Design

Leo Thornton

Head of Development

Grayson Price-Dairanieh

Head of Digital Producing

Rachel Arundel

Studio Manager

Andrew Fletcher

Digital Analyst

Lisa Hughes

Operations Coordinator

Chris Tusciuk

Product Owner (Tessitura Integration)

Sam Marshall

Lead Devops Engineer

Darren Strait

Devops Engineer

Mahendra Rai

Lead Developer

Hiren Patel

Principal Developer

Lee Bradley

Senior Web Developer

Vipen Mahay

Senior Web Developer

Ronaldas Turevič

Full Stack Developer

Adam Stewart

Design Lead

Ashley Howard

Front-end Developer

Meng-Yun Lee

Front End Developer

Sam O'Neill

Front-end Developer

Emily Nicholls


Krystle Kline

Digital Producer

Willie Kuo

Digital Producer

Linda Yu

Digital Producer

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